Insights Data Products

Definitions and methodologies - Location


Welcome to the Zapmap Insights data products subscriber help page.

In here you'll find all of the field definitions and calculation methodologies to super-charge your value realisation, whether you're a Profile, Monitor, or Empower customer.

Physical Hierarchy

DeviceThe physical housing of one or more EVSE
EVSEElectric Vehicle Supply Equipment which is the hardware and software that delivers power from an electricity source to an electric vehicle's battery. Can have one or many connectors.
ConnectorA cable and port that connects an electric vehicle (EV) to a charging station
Connector typesSee Understanding electric vehicle connector types | Charging guide - Zapmap 

Power Bandings

Device type

Slow (<8kW)

Fast AC (≥ 8kW & <50kW)

                                                                                    Fast DC (≥ 25kW & <50kW)

Rapid (≥ 50kW & <150kW)

Ultra-rapid (≥ 150kW)

Profile Locations

Offering detailed information on connector, EVSE, device and location counts per CPO network, segmented by power rating, region/administrative area and location category.

Network nameCharge point operator (CPO)
Administrative area or boroughCounty
Location categoryZapmap classification of the location the physical device is situated (see below)
LocationsNumber of physical sites of charge points within the classification
DevicesNumber of physical Zapmap-derived devices within the classification
EVSENumber of EVSE within the classification
ConnectorsNumber of connectors within the classification
The number of Zapmap-derived devices offering both AC and DC connectors within the classification

Monitor Locations

Providing detailed information per connector including: EVSE and Device mapping, location, power rating, network, location type, contactless, taxi only.

GeomGeospatial location
Connector UIDZapmap unique identifier for a connector
Date connector addedThe date the connector was added to Zapmap
EVSE UIDZapmap unique identifier for an EVSE
Zapmap device UIDZapmap unique identifier for a physical device
Device external UIDReference provided by CPO to identify a device (shared when received)
Zapmap location UIDZapmap unique identifier for a site of one or more physical devices
Charge device nameName of all connectors at the same location
Address line 1 
Post Town 
London Borough 
Country code 
Postal code 
Network nameCharge point operator (CPO)
Location categoryZapmap classification of the location the physical device is situated (see below)
Taxi OnlyThe charge point is restricted to taxi only use (1 = yes, 0 = no)
ContactlessThe physical device accepts contactless payment (1 = yes, 0 = no)
Zap PayThe Network accepts Zap-Pay (1 = yes, 0 = no)
Power typeAC or DC
Connector typeShows connector compatibility with vehicle 
Max powerThe maximum advertised power for the connector
Power groupSlow, Fast, Rapid, Ultra-rapid (see Power Bandings section at the top of the page) 
Location max power groupHighest power group of any connector at the same location as this connector
Max power simplifiedAn aggregated value for max power per connector that enables simpler analysis by industry recognised power ratings. More granular than power group. 
Location classHigher level grouping of devices into on-street, en route, destination or other locations. Takes into account max power of device as well as it's location category. For example devices at Restaurant/Pub/Cafe and Accomodation are classed as destination location class, unless they have a connector with 50+kW, in which case they are en route. 

Location categories

CategoryBrief definition
AccommodationAny business or airbnb taking paying guests overnight. Not pub with overnight rooms
Car parkA car park not on the same site as shops and/or a pub/restaurant/cafe. Will often be council run car parks or run by a parking company such as NCP
A car sales business selling cars from a showroom
EducationA university, school, college or any other type of educational establishment
Fuel forecourtA petrol or diesel forecourt which now has a charger, will normally be on a main A or B road. Brand examples include BP and Esso
Health servicesA hospital or doctors surgery or any other location related to providing a health service
A recreational facility / location where a user would go in their spare time or if they worked at one of these locations
Motorway servicesA services next to a motorway
On-streetDevices that are on a pavement and where user has to park on the road. 
OtherMulti-purpose buildings where it's not clear what the main purpose is. Any location that doesn't fit into the other categories
Park and rideA car park at a park and ride facility
Public servicesCar park at a council building, mainly used for staff, a village hall or a library. Any other government run/publicly funded property including community centres
Restaurant/pub/cafeAny establishment serving food and drink to members of the public which has charger and parking. Excludes Hotels
Retail car parkA car park which is provided for a specific retail shop (next to, above or below) shop(s) or group of shops / restaurants in a shopping centre or retail park. Supermarket car parks not included in this category. Nor car parks for a single restaurant/pub
SupermarketA large, often out of town food shop with it's own dedicated car park
Travel interchangeA location where a user would be changing from one mode of transport to another. Can also be a heliport
Workplace car parkA car park where only staff members would be expected to park. Often in business or industrial parks located next to warehouses or offices. Charger will be owned by the business (not a network)


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Empower (coming soon)

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