Smartgreens 2017

Smartgreens 2017


The 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems – Smartgreens 2017 – will take place in Porto between 22nd and 24th April. Organised by the INSTICC (Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication), the conference aims to create a meeting point for researchers and practitioners that address the new challenges associated with Smart Cities and Green ICT systems.

Papers are welcomed on either practical or theoretical lines on any aspect of smart cities and green ICT systems, and one of the key features of the event is the creation of a high-level forum, bringing together a number of prestigious and internationally recognised experts.

Names such as Markus Helfert (Dublin City University, Ireland) as a Conference Chair and Cornel Klein (Siemens AG, Germany) and Brian Donnellan (Maynooth University, Ireland) as a Program Chairs will be present, along with the planned appearance of specially invited keynote speakers.

For further information on the Smartgreens 2017 event, or to register or submit a paper for the conference, visit the website or organiser’s Twitter feed.