Applegreen Electric charging network costs

Cost to charge: 64p-79p per kWh across rapid and ultra-rapid devices.
How to use Applegreen Electric charge points
Payment can be made by the user via Zap-Pay in the Zapmap app, or via the Applegree Electric app, or by contactless card payment at the charging unit on the Payter payment terminal. This allows for ‘Tap & Go’ functionality for bank cards, credit cards as well as Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Follow instructions on the display, select connector and connect to car before using app or paying by credit card.
Applegreen Electric charge points are fitted with both CCS and CHAdeMO connectors.

You can use Zap-Pay to pay for your charging sessions at any Applegreen Electric charge points.
Zap-Pay is the simple way to pay for charging within the Zapmap app. Select the charger you'd like to use within the app and start your charging session at the press of a button.
You can check on the status of your charge at any time to see the estimated cost and the charge time remaining.
VAT receipts for all charging sessions are stored within the app, and can be accessed at any time to download to your device.
Where are Applegreen Electric charge points located?
All Applegreen Electric points can be found on Zapmap by using the network filter. This can be used on the desktop and mobile apps, and displays only those points operated by Applegreen Electric.
Charging types and speeds can be filtered too, showing only those points that are compatible with users’ cars.
Select 'Filters' -> 'Networks' -> 'Applegreen Electric' to view only Applegreen Electric charge points.
Contact Details
Charge point support:
(UK) +44 204 540 0050
(Ireland) +353 1 553 1313
Further contact information can be found on the Applegreen Electric website.

How does Applegreen Electric compare to other networks in terms of pricing?
Zapmap monitors the prices of charging on the public network and reports on the prices charged by the top 10* rapid charging networks. The prices are updated on a monthly basis here: Rapid Charging: Top 10 Network Pricing
The price to charge an electric vehicle (EV) on the public charging network can vary substantively, and prices are increasing due to current issues in the energy market.
Updated on a monthly basis, the Zapmap Price Index shows the difference in prices paid depending on the type of charger and will also track how this is changing over time.
About Applegreen Electric
Applegreen Electric is a global EV charging network majority owned by Blackstone with a proven track record in designing, operating and hosting over 800 Ultra-Fast Universal Charging bays across our geographies.
Applegreen Electric was established in 2021 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Applegreen Group to focus exclusively on EV charging infrastructure. Established in 1992, Applegreen is one of the largest Plaza operators in Europe and the US. Today, Applegreen Electric provides 1,000,000+ fast charging sessions to its customers per year in a rapidly growing transition to more sustainable transport fuels with a range of partners.
Applegreen Electric is deeply committed to reducing carbon emissions through the implementation of EV charging stations, supporting the rapidly growing transition to more sustainable transport fuels with a range of partners including Tesla, Ecotricity (GRIDSERVE), Chargepoint, and others.