Charging cost top 10 networks

Rapid charging: Top 10 network pricing

The latest PAYG prices charged by the top 10 rapid charging networks below, updated on a monthly basis
Jade Edwards

Zapmap monitors the prices of charging on the public network and reports on the prices charged by the top 10* rapid charging networks below. The prices are updated on a monthly basis.


What’s the price of charging an electric car on the top 10 rapid charging networks?

The price to charge an electric car on one of the Top 10 rapid charging networks in July 2024 varies between 55p/kWh and 85p/kWh. You can see the prices charged by the top 10 public rapid charging networks in the infographic below.


Rapid EV charging prices - July 2024


InstaVolt currently has the highest price at 85p/kWh, followed by bp pulse, GeniePoint, MFG EV Power, GRIDSERVE and Osprey at 79p/kWh. At present, the cheapest network is ChargePlace Scotland, where EV drivers are still able to charge for free at some locations, although where charges are applicable they can be up to £1.50/kWh.


How are rapid charging prices changing over time?

To simplify the pricing landscape and present the overall price paid by EV drivers to charge on the public network, Zapmap produces a Monthly Price Index from the data collected to drive the Zapmap app. The Monthly Price Index shows how the weighted average price to charge an electric car on the public charging network varies over time.  

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