Revive Network Charging


Revive is a publicly owned EV charging network created to meet the needs of the West of England.

Revive network cost

Membership cost: Free to register

Free web app – £9 fee for RFID card

Cost per charge: 55p/kWh for Type 2 units – 7kW & 22kW

69p/kWh for rapid units

To discover how much it will cost to charge an EV from a Revive charge point, head to Zapmap’s Public Charging Calculator. This allows you to select any new or used plug-in vehicle, and tailor elements – such as electricity cost and charge required – for personalised results.


How to use the Revive network

Access to Revive units is made via either RFID card or the web app or on a pay-as-you-go basis, with no membership costs. All units can be accessed via the web app, which is free and accessible from a standard web browser, with a one-off cost for the RFID card.

Revive allows any RFID card to be registered to access the network’s points, including TfL’s Oyster card and those from other networks.


Where are Revive charge points located?

All Revive charge points can be found on Zapmap by using the network filter. This can be used on the desktop and mobile apps, and displays only those points available to use by Revive customers.

Charging types and speeds can be filtered too, showing only those points that are compatible with users’ cars.

Select 'Filters' -> 'Networks' -> 'Revive' to view only Revive charge points.



Contact Details

Customer services: 0300 3003 838


Further information can be found on the Revive web app


How does Revive compare to other networks in terms of pricing?

Zapmap monitors the prices of charging on the public network and reports on the prices charged by the top 10* rapid charging networks. The prices are updated on a monthly basis here: Rapid Charging: Top 10 Network Pricing

The price to charge an electric vehicle (EV) on the public charging network can vary substantively, and prices are increasing due to current issues in the energy market.
Updated on a monthly basis, the Zapmap Price Index shows the difference in prices paid depending on the type of charger and will also track how this is changing over time.


About Revive

The Revive network has been set up by local authorities in Bristol, Bath and the surrounding areas, and is operated by GeniePoint, using the national network’s access systems and back-office.

Revive is a regional public EV charging network, which replaced Source West. Charge points have been rolled out with support from OZEV, including as part of the Go Ultra Low Cities funding. A large number of charge points are due to be rolled-out in the next few years, by local authorities in the West of England.