Nottingham City Council is set to add a new dedicated electric vehicle location to their existing City Car Club scheme
In November, 2014, the council was awarded £37,000 by the Department for Transport (DfT) via CarPlus to help further develop Nottingham’s integrated transport network, expanding the City Car Club fleet from eight locations and nine vehicles to 11 locations and 12 vehicles.
The fleet is set to expand again with the special addition of it’s first battery-electric vehicle, a Nissan LEAF EV.
Councillor Nick McDonald, portfolio holder for growth, jobs and transport, said: “City Car Club offers residents and businesses an option to use more sustainable cars in a flexible way to help reduce congestion and C02 emissions.”
Alistair Kirkbride, executive director of Carplus, said: “Nottingham is a leading the way in showing how easy – and cheap – it can be to live without owning a car.”
“By making it possible to use buses, trains and car club cars with just one smart card, it will open up opportunities for people to choose the best, cheapest and most efficient ways to travel.”
Many car clubs are starting to introduce all-electric vehicles to their fleets. Some even, such as e-Car Club, are so dedicated to electric vehicles that they make up 100% of it’s fleet.
Fleet News