SWARCO Smart Charging supports rollout of largest EV charging hub in Wales

SWARCO Smart Charging supports rollout of largest EV charging hub in Wales

Olly Goodall

Electric vehicle charging infrastructure business SWARCO Smart Charging has supported Denbighshire County Council in the rollout of a new electric vehicle (EV) charging hub in Rhyl, north Wales, that is now live for public use.

The new charging hub, located in the West Kinmel Street car park, has capacity for 36 EVs, making it the largest EV charging hub in Wales.

A mix of rapid 50kW and fast 7kW chargers have been installed at the hub for local users who have no access to off street parking. Three of the parking bays and EV charging devices are specifically allocated for disabled users.

The project, funded by the Welsh Government, has been delivered to promote the uptake of electric vehicles in the region by providing essential infrastructure, as part of the local authority’s plan to reduce carbon and harmful emissions.

“We are really pleased to open Rhyl’s new charging hub and I thank the local community for their support during construction,” said Cllr Barry Mellor, Lead Member for Environment and Transport.

“This facility will help those in the area who don’t have off-street parking and want to move to running an electric vehicle.

“Visitors will also be able to charge their vehicles here, which will in turn support the business community of the town. It will also become a useful facility for those travelling in the area needing to charge their cars, drawing more people to discover what Rhyl and the surrounding communities have to offer.

“I would also like to thank the team which made the site possible, which includes Denbighshire County Council, Scottish Power Energy Networks, SWARCO, A Parry Construction, MEGA Electrical and O’Connor Utilities who all worked tirelessly to deliver this first of its kind project for North Wales in a timely and efficient way.”


Swarco charging hub wales

The hub has been installed for local users unable to charge at home.

Daytime and peak time users will still be required to pay for a parking space at the hub. However, the EV bays will have no charges levied between 17:00 and 08:00 as per the rest of the car park.

“Having proven and reliable charging equipment available for public use is key to supporting the uptake of electric vehicles,” said Justin Meyer, Managing Director of SWARCO Smart Charging.

We are proud to have supported Denbighshire County Council in the delivery of this new, state-of-the-art charging hub in Rhyl – the largest of its kind in Wales.”