Twelve new ultra-rapid 350kW charging bays have been installed by charge point operator IONITY at Adderstone Group’s Wessington Retail Park in North Hylton.
The move is part of an investment strategy by IONITY to deliver a UK wide publicly accessible superfast charging network for electric vehicles.
“We are thrilled the latest and largest high-power EV charging site in the region is now online at Wessington Retail Park, Sunderland," said Andreas Atkins, IONITY’s country manager for the UK and Ireland.
“The site not only supports the growing demand for ultra-rapid charging, but also integrates seamlessly with popular local amenities. This makes it a convenient and attractive stop for EV drivers and the public alike, enhancing the overall experience for visitors."

Left to right: Richard Phillips, Adderstone; Cllr Lindsey Leonard, Sunderland Council Portfolio Holder for Environment, Transport & Net Zero; Ben Wilkinson, Local Business Development Manager, BMW; Kate Grant, Adderstone; and Grant Murray, Rollout Manager, IONITY.
"With more than 100,000 electric cars manufactured in Sunderland each year and only a couple of hundred charging points, we figured they might need a few more," commented IONITY CEO, Ian Baggett.
IONITY share a live data partnership with Zapmap, meaning that users of the Zapmap app and web map are able to access the live status and availability at any time, making planning for charging even easier.
“Sunderland has set out ambitious goals to accelerate our journey towards a low carbon future" said Cllr Lindsey Leonard, Sunderland City Council’s cabinet member for environment and net zero.
“High-power charging points like those now in place at Wessington Way will do a great deal to reassure motorists thinking of making the move to an EV.
“We’re thrilled to see this provision become available in such an accessible part of Sunderland and we’re sure it will be very well-used.”
Charging with IONITY means 100% green energy from source to socket, which makes EV travel emission-free and truly carbon neutral, providing a positive contribution to the overall goal of decarbonisation across the UK and Europe.