Zapmap Price Index

Zapmap Price Index

Tracking the changes in price to charge on the public network based on Zapmap's usage data, updated monthly

Jade Edwards

The price to charge an electric vehicle (EV) on the public charging network can vary substantially, and prices are increasing due to current issues in the energy market.

Through the data collected to drive the Zapmap app, Zapmap tracks over 1 million charge sessions each month and the latest charge point operator prices to provide an independent picture of the price paid by EV drivers across the public charging network. Updated on a monthly basis, the Zapmap Price Index shows the difference in prices paid depending on the type of charger and will also track how this is changing over time.


What is the average price of charging an electric car on the public charging network?

The weighted average price* to charge an electric car on the public charging network in June 2024 was 57p/kWh on slow/fast chargers and 80p/kWh for rapid/ultra-rapid chargers.

Using an average efficiency EV* this equates to 17 pence per mile and 24 pence per mile respectively.


Zapmap Price Index


Across the UK, charge point operators offer a headline “pay as you go” (PAYG) price, which is the price that EV drivers can pay without a membership or a special deal.

The latest PAYG price for the top 10 rapid/ultra-rapid charge point operators can be seen on our rapid/ultra-rapid pricing page.

Prices for other charge point operators can be seen in this guide covering public EV charging networks.


How are prices to charge an electric car changing over time?

Surging energy prices have resulted in increases across both slow/fast charge points - typically on-street chargers or destination chargers - as well as rapid/ultra-rapid EV charge points typically used for en-route charging.

Zapmap analysis shows that after a period of rising prices, it now costs an average of 7% more to charge at a rapid/ultra-rapid device, compared to June 2023.

The price per kWh at fast/slow devices has increased by 16% over the same period.

The chart below shows how the prices have changed over the last 12 months.


Price Index
Cost Evolution: June 2023 to June 2024

How do electric car charging costs compare to refuelling a petrol or diesel car?

Despite the increase in public EV charging prices over the last year, electric car drivers are mostly still in a better position than ICE drivers who have to fill up at the pumps. Typically, an EV driver will only charge on the most expensive rapid or ultra-rapid chargers for a fraction of the time.

Many EV drivers charge at home for most of their energy needs, with the energy price cap currently sitting at around 28p/kWh, and might also have the option to install solar panels, or take advantage of a lower price off-peak tariff (around 8p/kWh) and so reduce the cost of charging their electric car further.

The infographic below looks at how charging costs may differ with three different EV driver profiles.


Zapmap Price Index - charging scenarios


First, John and Rosa primarily charge their EV at home. Second, Michael and Marie do about half of their charging at home, but top up when they go to the supermarket and charge up at motorway service stations when on longer journeys. As typical of many EV drivers, both couples have a specific EV home tariff, costing them on average 8p/kWh.

Third, Kris is entirely reliant on public charging. He is able to use a slow lamppost charger to charge on most days, but when he’s on longer road trips visiting relatives he uses rapid chargers at a charging hub.

Most of the drivers in the above profiles enjoy savings from driving their EV compared to ICE vehicles. John and Rosa save around £850, whereas Michael and Marie save £370 per year compared to refuelling an ICE vehicle.

While Kris doesn't currently save on charging his EV versus refuelling the equivalent petrol car, he does benefit from savings on car tax, servicing and maintenance costs. See more about the other benefits of driving an electric car.

Overall, most EV drivers use a mix of charging, as above. An electric car remains a good choice for low running costs during these uncertain times, and is of course far better for the environment in terms of its impact on climate change and air quality.

Using the Journey Cost CalculatorHome Charging Calculator or Public Charging Cost Calculator, you can compare the cost of refuelling a petrol or diesel vehicle with the cost of charging an EV at home or in public, allowing you to see how much you could save between different vehicles on specific journeys.

Please note that third parties can use this data provided the source is clearly attributed to Zapmap, any graphs include the Zapmap logo, and a link is added back to in the body of the article. The data must be strictly copied and updated manually, no automated data collection can be applied in any form. The data can only be published in its original state and without any modifications.